We loved Mystery Science Theater 3000. It was the perfect marriage of bad science fiction and horror and syspense movies with the smart-assedness that got us into so much trouble all the way through high school. And it was a sad, sad day when MST3K left the telewaves some time back.
But there's good news on the intertubes. Mike Nelson,Bill Corbett, and Kevin Murphy -- Mike, Crow, and Servo from the affectionaltely remembered Satellie of Love -- are back doing damage in RiffTrax, a growing bunch of cool "commentary" MP3's that are, basically, MS3K in a can. They regularly riff on everything from Halloween to Aliens; they've also brought in a bunch of guest riffers, from Weird Al Yankovich to Neil Patrick Harris and beyond. And best of all the Riffs themselves are cheap -- like $3.99. If you don't own the movie being riffed, you can Netflix it for pennies and enjoy the experience for mere centavos her giggle.
A small sample: here's The Boys speculating on a young John Carpenter coming home from a hard day of making the original Halloween ... illustrated, of course, by a scene straight out of Halloween.
It's fun, it's inexpensive, and it makes everything old new again -- and even better. Rifftrax rules.
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