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Fox Gets It Right Twice: Human Target & Lie to Me Renewed

Let's face it: when it comes to smart action/adventure or thrillers on network TV, the pickin's are mighty slim. That's why it's especially good news that FOX has renewed the fledgling butt-kicker Human Target for a second year, and given Tim Roth a third year to be all sarcastic and omniscient on the underrated Lie to Me.

You have to wonder if FOX made the move because they've lost 24, their only reliable action show, and their other series with high cult potential have either been axed already, like Dollhouse, or are lying there twitching like Fringe (a musical episode already? Really?) But whatever the reasoning, welcome back Christopher Chance (now we'll get to see the second half of that cliffhanger!) and House-like Dr. Lightman.




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