Hulu's having a rough time right now. The amount of new material that's available on all 37,029 channels is thin enough in early July under any circumstances, and what little is there is delayed and unavailable, sometimes for weeks at a time. Then there's this whole "Hulu Plus" thing which -- in spite of Hulu's half-hearted marketing efforts -- implies that all the really GOOD stuff is now going to be hidden behind a $9.99/month firewall. Pretty difficult sale when you've already acclimated your zillions of audience to unlimited free watching, AND you seem to be offering next to nothing for the $120/year (the same shows only more of them, no really decent original content you can't find elsewhere, no real sense of curating or inter-mediation ... AND you get to keep watching the ads! Yay!).
And now there's LXD.
Look, we have nothing against dance shows. More power to 'em. But if they're all that popular to begin with, why do they have to be disguised as a superhero web series?
Hulu ... don't do this. It already looks like you're pulling a bait-and-switch with Hulu Plus. You're already pawning off old (and often canceled) BBC shows and long-dead off-network series because you can't get much of anything else at the moment. Don't make matters worse by confusing dance fans and disappointing f&sf fans with something like LXD. Puh-leeze.
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