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Is "Dilithium" Klingon for "Budweiser"?

The commentary on most DVDs really isn't worth the time to listen to it (in fact, most of the movie on DVD aren't worth watching that third, fourth, fifth time).  But once in a while you do get a wonderful little nugget.

Consider the otherwise-not-awesome commentary on the reboot of Star Trek, provided by J.J. Abrams, Robert Orci, Alex Kurtzman and exec producer Brian Burl in what must have been the ultimate Skype conference call.

The chatter and self-congratulation isn't awful; it's just not terribly exciting.  Though you do find out that there were whole chunks of movie, whole storylines that were written, filmed and even edited into the final product, then left for the "Deleted Scenes" section only because it would have made the movie an unmarketable 12 1/2 hours (or so it seems).  We also discover that many of the locations you thought wee sets constructed on the Paramount back lot were actually real, live (if odd) places: a blimp hangar, a mortuar chapel ... and a brewery.

That's the coolest one.  See this picture?

This is one of the busy below-decks places of the newly rebooted Enterprise -- a part of it that actually explains what most of the 400-and-some-odd crew people actually did, since as far as we could tell from the original series, the whole ship could be run by those nine or so people up on the bridge.

Anyway: it turns out this one particular set isn't a set at all -- it's part of a huge brewery in Southern California.  And those big silver tanks that the young, new Kirk is sprinting between?  Not filled with dilithium or some other exotic fuel or coolant or life-supporting gas.  Nah.  Filled with beer.  

Hey, you gotta do something in those long, long nights between planetfalls, don'tcha?


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