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Everything Old is New Again -- like MST3K and Sliders?

It's the collision of "summer doldrums" and "200 channels and nothing to watch:" Hulu, the primary source of watch-TV-on-the-web these days, has so little to recommend on its daily updated home page that it is reaching into the dim, cult-ridden past ... for episodes of Mystery Science Theater 3000 and -- of all things -- Sliders.

Skip the fact that they show a picture of Joel and linked up new episodes starring Mike; skip the fact that MST3K's Satellite of Love (love those initials!) stopped broadcasting years ago. More importantly, it illustrates (rather painfully) Hulu's increasingly restricted access to really interesting new stuff, and points out the  weird the decisions of individual networks re: access have become. 

Just as an example: USA Network is now holding new first-run episodes of Burn Notice for eight days after broadcast -- now, when there's virtually no new product available; when many of the new summer shows, anywhere on the dial, aren't showing up until after the Fourth of July.  There are gazillions of viewers out there -- even folks who've never watched BN -- who would be glad to watch it (and its advertisements) right now, just 'cause there's nothing else out there at all.  Hell, there are TV addicts who would kick a puppy for just one hour of original programming at this point, and these guys are sitting on their new stuff?  People, people! We're starving out here!  They're making us watch long-dead Jerry O'Connell series that were lame when they were new!  Jerry O'Connell, damn it!  Come on!

(And for those who'd like to see MST3Kish product that was created in, like, this century, try Cinematic Titanic, where Joel and Trace and Mary Jo and others are hanging, or Rifftrax, where Mike and Kevin and Bill are doing SOL-like audio riffs to play with current movies (their recent commentary on The Dark Knight was worth every penny of the low, low $3.99 download price, and ever so much more!)

As for Jerry O'Connell .. please, people. Please. Can't we just have a tiny little helping of Burn Notice before it gets all stale and icky? Please?




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