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I Have a Poltergeist in my Pants!

Alex Day Rocks. Pure and simple. This younger feller with the British accent is a musician, a humorist, and a critic (though we doubt he'd call himself anythng but a musician) who's a bit o' the ol' celebrity over there on the YouTubes. He's been 'reviewing,' for lack of a better term, Twilight, one chapter at a time, for the first fifteen Chapter, with such cheerful disdain that you can't help liking the guy and agreeing with him -- the book sucks, and not in a good way! -- and he's recently branched out into extremely short (and very helpful) explanations of everything for the last episode of Lost to the "hung parliament" of British politics, using nothing more than his own considerable wit and, when forced to it, Post-It Notes.

His recent scan of a British tabloid we'd never heard of, Pick Me Up, is little more than a recitation of ths remarkable publicaton's headlines, done with Alex' trademarked gentle sarcasm. But he hasinadvertangly stumbled on of the great headlines (pick-up lines, ejaculations, excuses, epiphanies) in the English language: "I have a poltergeist in my pants!"

Damn, if only we had thought of that response any number of times over the last fifty years.  Life would be so different ...

At any rate: visit Alex Day, subscribe, enjoy.  In that order ... and that's an order!




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