Giant Shark Eats 747. No, really.
There is absolutely nothing to recommend SyFy's recent Saturday Night original movie, Mega-Shark vs. Giant Octopus. In fact, it may be one of the worst pick-ups that SyFy has foisted upon us, and that's taking into account such crap-bad classics as Mansquito and Frankenfish. Even the, ah, stellar performance by former teenybop singer Debbie "Deborah" Gibson and a bunch of B-level Canadian actors you never heard of couldn't elevate this muddled, boring, and ultimately embarrassing piece of work.
Except ...
Except this may be the only time you ever get to see a shark eat an airplane. A big airplane, like a 727 or an L-1011. But after all, it's a big shark, too.
As the years go by, we may remember M-SvGO not at all ... except, for this:
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